2021 NYSGA Amateur Series
Colonie Golf & Country Club
Monday, August 16, 2021
1:00pm Shotgun Start
Fast Facts
- Entry Fee: $90 (includes golf, cart, range and prizes)
- Entry Close: Closed
- Refund Policy: A player may initiate a refund via the event website (see confirmation email message) or by calling the NYSGA office at 315-471-6979.
- Before Entry Deadline: Open Date to Entry Deadline: $10 service fee
- After Entry Deadline to Day Prior to Competition Date: $30 service fee
- Withdraw on Competition Date: No refund
General Liability Waiver
Click here to complete the 2021 NYSGA's General Liability Waiver (required of all players).
COVID-19 Protocols
Individuals who are fully vaccinated are not required to social distance or wear a facemask. Those who are not full vaccinated must follow CDC guidelines by wearing a mask indoors and when unable to social distance outdoors. Any player who misrepresents their vaccination status by not following these recommendations will be subject to disqualification from future NYSGA competitions. The NYSGA and the players will respect the choice of individual to wear a mask for any reason.
Click here to view the pairings, confirm your Handicap Index is correct and your pairing request was honored. Email amseries@nysga.org if you notice any errors.
Handicap Analysis
Click here to view how your playing handicap is calculated.
Terms of the Competition
Click here to download the Terms of the Competition, a complete overview of the rules and conditions for the 2021 NYSGA Amatuer Series. A few important reminders:
- Format is 18 holes of individual stroke play (90% Course Handicap)
- Caddies and Spectators are not permitted
- Max score of 9 (gross) is in effect
- Unclaimed prizes are left with the pro shop
- Divisions may be changed up until the close of entries
Schedule of Events
- 11:30am................Range + registration opens
- 12:40pm................Announcements at carts
- 1:00pm...................Shotgun Start
Divisions and Course Yardage
Listed below are the divisions (selected by players during registration) and assigned tees. A player may change their division only if notice is provided prior to the close of entries. To confirm which division you have registered for your division, click here and select the division from the drop-down menu.
- Men's Division (0-5.9)......................Blue Tees
- Men's Division (6+)..........................White Tees
- Men's Sr Division (0-11.9)...............White Tees
- Men's Sr Division (12+)....................White Tees
- Men's Super Sr Division (0-14.9).....Red Tees
- Men's Super Sr Division (15+).........Red Tees
- Women's Division ............................Red Tees
Tee Yardage/Rating
- Blue (Men): 6,481 Yards // Par 72 // 71.5 CR // 130 Slope
- White (Men): 6,079 Yards // Par 72 // 69.6 CR // 128 Slope
- Red (Men): 5,554 Yards // Par 72 // 67.3 CR // 125 Slope
- Red (Women): 5,554 Yards // Par 73 // 72.7 CR // 126 Slope
Click here to view the course on Google Maps.
Support Our Sponsors
Thank you to our valued sponsors! Their support of the NYSGA and our member golf community helps us strengthen our services, member benefits and overall tournament experience.
For more information, click here.